In Difference - April 2024

Personal posts:

Singularly Felt but Universally Relatable - A look at the dressing and substance of A Murder at the End of the World.

They Say - As reporters and science communicators shared the experience of the solar eclipse, they began many of their sentences with the words "They say". Here are some reflections on what 'they say'.

Unwritten Understandings - A brief comment on social contracts encountered behind the wheel.

On Juries and Verdicts - A few videos for those interested in the systems meting out justice.

Interpretations: Bach, Cello Suite No. 1, Prélude - Some stellar entries in a long musical tradition.

The complete collection of Weekly Picks from the past month:

April 7, 2024

  • The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’
  • Ufologists, Unite!
  • Our tools shape our selves
  • “It’s Dirty Water”: Rio Tinto’s Madagascar Mine Promised Prosperity. It Tainted a Community.
  • The Contested World of Classifying Life on Earth
  • Fossil fuel subsidies cost Canadians a lot more money than the carbon tax

April 14, 2024

  • Many of us have the wrong idea about poverty and toughness
  • There Is Only One Spaceship Earth
  • The New Idea of India
  • Inventing the Crisis: The anti-trans panic and the crusade against teachers
  • The trauma ward
  • End of Innocence
  • The Truth About Organic Milk
  • The Electric Vehicle Developmental State
  • The Toxic Culture at Tesla
  • Reality, as Seen by Godzilla

April 21, 2024

  • The economic commitment of climate change
  • What is ‘lived experience’?
  • Universities Are Profiting From Blocking Drug-Price Reform
  • Europe poops in its own nest
  • Inside the Kenyan cult that starved itself to death
  • Death and Taxes
  • Yellowknife to Fort McMurray: lessons from the frontlines of Canada’s worst wildfires
  • The Cloud Under the Sea
  • The Life and Death of Hollywood
  • Welcome to Mass Market Mountaineering
  • Winners of the 2024 World Press Photo Contest

April 28, 2024

  • The Architectural Gift
  • No one buys books
  • The great commercial takeover of low Earth orbit
  • Protecting the Darkness in Chile’s Atacama Desert
  • How Do We Know What Animals Are Really Feeling?
  • How to Eat a Rattlesnake
  • Dozens of deaths reveal risks of injecting sedatives into people restrained by police

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