In Difference - May 2024
Weekly Picks Mosaic - May 19 2024

Personal posts:

Suitcase Diaries - "Many people like to romanticize travel as a freedom-giving, educative enterprise that serves as the height of self-efficacy. We are not referring here to touristy jaunts but paths less taken. Discovered through thickets away from advertised meccas and bazaars. While that filtered view carries insight, regular travel demands a heavy toll."

Embracing Prevention - "We are facing many Sisyphean tasks as a species. Climate change is its own megafire. An all-encompassing blaze that is countered and fueled by our many economic, social and political industries. The connected crises of fast-moving misinformation/disinformation, extreme inequality/inequity, biodiversity loss, conflict, etc. a growing maelstrom that is becoming more and more difficult to make sense of...There is plenty that should be organized and operationalized collectively. But it does designate a personal thread to be carried. What we believe and what we do matters."

McFerrin - From 2017's The Square, a track that operates as "a perfect auxiliary to the ridiculous, and occasionally important, musings of Ruben Östlund."

The complete collection of Weekly Picks from the past month:

May 5, 2024

  • Discipline and Protest
  • Alien life is no joke: How UFOs almost killed the search for life in the Universe
  • ‘Where Is the Palestinian Gandhi?’
  • From toxic fungus to soy sauce superstar
  • The Café and the Colony

May 12, 2024

  • The Creatures that Control the Natural World
  • Sicily Sold Homes for One Euro. This Is What Happened Next.
  • Snake Oils, Vitamins, And Self-Help
  • If You Build It, Will They Come?

Plus comments on ongoing campus protests:

  • The Meaning of ‘Terrorism,’ According to the United States
  • War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young
  • The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want to Be Heard
  • A New Jewishness Is Being Born Before Our Eyes
  • In Harvard Yard
  • For Whom Is Campus to Be Safe?

May 19, 2024

  • Aurora Banks Peninsula
  • Not Too Wet To Burn
  • The Modern Beggar
  • Humans Are Driving a New Kind of Evolution in Animals
  • The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel
  • The world isn’t watching
  • Can You Lose Your Native Tongue?
  • The age of uncertainty. Liminal time

May 26, 2024

  • Not Your Childhood Library
  • “Deny, denounce, delay”: The battle over the risk of ultra-processed foods
  • It hurts, but it’s holy
  • The Voyager Probes Were a Triumph of Collective Endeavor
  • Beyond Athens and Jerusalem
  • The Criminalization of Poverty Is Creating a More Violent World
  • A portrait of pollution around Canada’s busiest port
  • Gaza’s Stolen Healers
  • Nova Scotia’s Billion-Dollar Lobster Wars
  • Can Sports Survive Climate Change?

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