
World, Hold On

It began with a harmless conversation about the credulity we all carry. Our willingness to see past all kinds of falsities, fallacies, inconsistencies, and hokum. Our yearning to believe in something. An evolutionary entrapment that has led us equally to our darkest depths and highest heights.

A meal and some thoughts shared, and some inspiration found. An umbrella under which too many topics reside. Pseudosciences and pseudohistories of all kinds, bereft of credibility and yet magnetic to their adherents.

I chose cults as a worthy topic of exploration. Fictional ones, anyway. Perhaps an examination of some genre films to tease out greater truths surrounding collective tendencies powered by individual vulnerabilities.

The idea was written and the draft started. Then I noticed all the others in my directory. Satellites launched into orbit, as promising as they were unfinished. Gliding along – momentum assured. Undiminished but static.

Fulfilling ambition a constant struggle when the majority of your energy is demanded elsewhere.

Something to look forward to.

Imagination reaching escape velocity. Outpacing the pen, as expected.